A seabreeze kicks up about mid morning. Tradewinds. Sometimes they lay down before dark. Sometimes they blow right into the evening. It's soothing, like the Reef Cushion Breeze featuring synthetic Nubuck strap with soft webbing liner featuring super soft Reef Cushion Eva with anatomical arch support and rubber sponge outsole for flexibility.
Care & Cleaning
Textile or Synthetic Sandals and Shoes
Using a dry soft-bristled brush or dry soft cloth remove any excess dirt.
Make a mixture of a small amount of laundry soap and warm water.
Dip a soft sponge into the laundry soap mixture and gently clean the affected areas.
Rinse the soap out of the sponge with warm water and then use the sponge to gently remove any excess detergent from the shoe or sandal.
Allow the shoe or sandal to air dry in the shade at room temperature.
Leather Sandals and Shoes
Using a dry soft-bristled brush or dry soft cloth remove any excess dirt.
Clean leather surfaces with saddle soap or a leather cleaner and conditioner by following the manufacturer’s directions on the cleaning product’s label.
For all footwear, we never recommend washing your shoes or sandals in a washing machine or drying them in a dryer. Doing this can harm the materials and adhesives and cause your shoes or sandals to break down. We also recommend to never use harsh cleaners or chemicals like bleach.